Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Better Together - Farming


Don't worry, this isn't another blog about the merits or otherwise of being a United Kingdom!!

"Better Together" is my observation about linking farmers across the globe, via social media.

Social media, be it Twitter, Facebook or any of the many other formats, is all about Networking. And Networking is a very formal way of saying 'having a conversation'.

With our AgriChatUK weekly Twitter discussions we quickly found that our farming audience across the UK, and beyond, were a very sociable bunch who were keen to chat to each other.

And that's the rub. Social media now enables us to talk to whoever, wherever, on whatever. What you quickly discover is that we all share a very similar workplace. The goals, aspirations, problems and successes we have in the UK are shared all around the globe.

This was brought home last year with the first ever #AgriChatWorld, 16th October 2013.
AgriChatUK hosted the evening, aided by seven other farming chat groups.
We had around 700 people tweeting just over 3,600 messages in an hour and a half.
From 17 different countries we had tweets on the theme for the night of 'World Farming'.
You can read an archive here.

What we found was that weather and prices were the biggest common factors that farmers around the World had to face on a daily basis.

#AgriChatWorld last year was inspired by World Food Day, #WFD2013.
World Food Day was first held on the 16th October 1981 by the FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The 16th of October was picked for World Food Day as that was the date in 1945 that the FAO was founded.

Move on twelve months and we have the second #AgriChatWorld discussion.

The theme of World Food Day 2014, is 'Family Farming', which will therefore be our theme for the night.

Under the hashtag #AgriChatWorld, and this year hosted by @EUFoodchat, we hope to have even more people join in compared to last year. Of the more than 570 million farms in the world, over 500 million are family owned, so family farming has an important part to play in the future of food security.
We are also asking for pictures to be tweeted with the hashtag #WorldFarmPics.

The same farming Twitter groups have reunited this year to support #AgriChatWorld.
@EUFoodchat (EU), @AgriChatUK (UK), @agchat (USA), @agrichatNL (Netherlands), @AgchatOZ (Australia), @AgchatDE (Germany), @AgchatIRL (Ireland) and @AgchatNZ1 (New Zealand)

The time for AgriChatWorld is 8-9:30pm BST, 9-10:30pm CET, and for the rest of the World you can click here for your time/day. It's all being done live around the globe!!

If you are reading this before the event, I hope you can join us, and join in!!. Just search on #AgriChatWorld

If you are reading this afterwards we will hopefully once again have an archive of the tweets, in which case I will link to them below :-)

The results are in: 1538 Tweets from 231 followers.

You can read an archive of all the tweets here, c/o AgriChatUK host @edmogFW
EUFoodChat have collected together a Pinterest board of all the #WorldFarmPics here.

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